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OK, so you’ve decided you want to start doing some email marketing, but you’re not entirely sure what to send. Fear not, we’ve got you covered. Any content you share via your mass email marketing should fit into one of these categories: It should promote, inform, build brand awareness, engage or help the company gather data for analytical purposes. Here are some specific examples:      

Promotion: If your company is retail or a restaurant, use your email marketing to feature new products. Perhaps you have a new menu item or you’ve received your summer line of sundresses. Showcase these items in your email marketing campaigns. For B2B companies, consider the same approach for any new products or additional service offerings.
Inform about Company or Industry News: Perhaps your company is moving locations, merging with another company, or having a big sale. Use your email marketing tools to promote these with email and social media. Informing readers of what’s happening in your company keeps them in the loop and allows them to be invested in your company.
Build  Brand Awareness:
 A regular company newsletter or digest is a good way to stay top of mind with your prospective customer and position yourself as a thought leader. Make sure that your newsletter contains content related to your product, and something that would be of interest to your customers. If you sell makeup, how-to’s and trends would be of interest to your readers.
Engage with the Customer: This is especially important if your company is involved in a high profile new story. In that case, use your email marketing to reach out to your customers and respond personally about the issue.
Gather Analytical Data: It’s vital to consistently get feedback on your product. What better way to do that than via surveys and polls? Send these out and use the information to tweak services and products. This is a much cheaper form of market research.

But, before you blindly start your email marketing campaign, go here to get this FREE report on email marketing. It shows you how to tap into the top secret sources for siphoning red hot subscribers and build your list faster than ever. It reveals the email list-building secrets made available by the gurus who created a step-by-step guide for you.